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From this page you can access documents, white papers and other information published by, or shared by, the European Data Centre Association. All content remains copyright of the EUDCA however may be used and/or shared conditionally upon it being credited to the European Data Centre Association.

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Manifesto - European Data Centre Association 2024-2029 Policy Priorities

Digital infrastructure is a critical foundation of both the European economy and its digital systems. Businesses, governments, and citizens rely on services powered by data centres, which are integral to the functioning of modern daily life. As demand for digital products and services continues to grow, data centres need strong support from policymakers and market signals to sustain their critical role in society.

Viewpoint - AI and the Future of Data Centre Design 

Amidst the rapid adoption of AI, data centre design must evolve so operators can meet the increased power demands. Data centre and colocation facilities will need to provision for higher densities, whilst adhering to current regulatory requirements, as well as addressing cooling challenges.

White Paper - Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE) 

In many regions, data centre water use has come under increased scrutiny resulting in planning rejections and project cancellations. Water use in major cities, arid regions, and water-stressed regions are closely monitored by the municipalities and is of increasing concern to the public. These considerations mean data centre operators must increase their focus on water efficiency and consider water use during the earliest stages of site selection.

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Position paper – Draft implementing regulation on NIS2

The EUDCA welcomes the specifications, that the European Commission has laid out, on the NIS2 reporting requirements and risk-management measures that data centre operators will need to incorporate into their operations but is under the impression that both have the potential to lead to an increase in the administrative burden for data centre operators.

Position paper – Draft delegated regulation on a Union rating scheme for data centres (EED)

The EUDCA has been closely engaging with European decision-makers to make the reporting scheme workable. Our feedback on the draft regulation highlights the need for a lower reporting threshold, difficulties in reporting some of the data, and the specificities of colocation data centres.

Position paper – Reform of the EU’s electricity market design

The European Data Centre Association (EUDCA) represents the European colocation data centre operator community. As one of the founding members of the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact, EUDCA promotes that renewable energy is widely accessible to data centre operators across Europe.

Political Vision - Enabling the twin green and digital transition with the positive contribution of data centres

This paper presents the EUDCA’s political vision for the future role of the data centre industry in Europe. It comprises a roadmap of steps the industry has either already undertaken or could take as a future pathway towards climate neutrality by 2030.

The Road to Zero Operational Emissions for Backup Power Generation

While diesel generators offer reliable backup power, they emit exhaust gases and are powered by fossil fuels.  As sustainability becomes a priority, data centre providers are exploring ways to minimize their environmental impact.

An Introduction to Data Centre Heat Reuse

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of what heat reuse is, how it can be used, when it’s worth using it and what the current regulatory and legislative initiatives that support or mandate it are. 

Airflow Management in Data Centres – A Practical Approach

The purpose of this paper is to provide practical tools for calculating data centre cooling and airflow requirements, and to outline best practices regarding airflow management in data centres to maximise data centre cooling efficiency and minimise airflow waste. 

Is the microgrid the ideal solution for adaptive and reliable energy delivered as “software defined power for next generation data centres?”  

The climate emergency together with concerns regarding the sector’s energy consumption have already provoked the need for a sea change in the way that data centres are powered if it is to meet ambitious net zero ambition

Scope Emissions White Paper​

The value of scope emissions reporting is its ability to not only compare like for like, but also to measure, monitor and reduce emissions. 

Abatement Techniques for Emission Reduction and Air Quality Improvement

Energy production and use account for some 80% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. To tackle climate change effectively, the long–term commitment of the EU is to cut all emissions by 80 – 95% below 1990 levels by 2050.

Circular Batteries – A Report

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) will play an important role in the required shift to a more renewable, resourceful and low-carbon future. However, the current way we make, use and dispose of LIBs leads to adverse environmental, social and economic outcomes globally.

Battery Opportunities for Data Centres

The increasing availability and reducing cost of Lithium-ion batteries brings a number of potential benefits and creates new opportunities for data centre operators to review their electrical distribution topology and potentially generate additional income from their battery investment.

MCP Directive – Full White Paper

Air pollution levels are still problematic in many parts of Europe, and citizens of the Union continue to be exposed to air-polluting substances, potentially compromising their health and wellbeing.

Whole Life Carbon Assessments

Whole life carbon assessments (WLCA) can offer the data centre industry the ability to understand the bigger picture in relation to the carbon impact of data centres and offer key insights into where the hot spots are so efforts can be made to reduce these.

MCP Directive – Summary

This is the summary of the MCP Directive.

Data Centres Fuel Storage – Contamination and Prevention

The reliable performance of backup generator installations is critical. This paper explores issues related to fuel storage and polishing in data center facilities and how appropriate action can reduce the possibility of a generator startup failure.

Data Centre Maintenance v3.0

Data Centres are one of the most critical industries of the modern digital era. It is a “factory” with a demand of continuous, uninterruptible and smooth operation. The “products” that are “manufactured” are several and critical to business and government operations as well as personal activities.

DRUPS versus Static UPS

This report examines the relative merits of Diesel Rotary UPS (DRUPS) versus the more traditional Static UPS combined with standby generators. The efficiency of static UPS systems has improved greatly over recent years and now is on a par with the efficiency of a DRUPS system, so one of the main drivers for adopting a DRUPS solution has been removed.

Fire Protection Options In Data Centres

Fire is one of the key operational disruption risks due to fire load of infrastructures (electricity, electronics components,) which represents the latent energy produced by the combustion. Therefore, fire safety solutions are a significant consideration for the design and operation of data centres and critical facilities.