Papers under consideration

The Technical Committee of the EUDCA is regularly considering topics where it is through a White Paper or a Short Summary might be of benefit. Listed below are those under current consideration to be developed in the short term highlighted. Members are invited to comment on which topics they think should be prioritised and this will help form the roadmap for papers for the Technical Committee. Comment can be made by emailing

Members with appropriate expertise may be invited to contribute to the drafting of papers for publication. Any member interested in participating in the production of a paper should email with details of which paper they are interested in.

Energy EfficiencyHydrogen Use/TechnologiesPaper examining considerations related to hydrogen fuel use for data centres and associated technologies (fuel cells and hydrogen fuelled generators)
Data Insight and Digital TwinsShort article on what a digital twin is and how this approach combined with operational data analytics can support the optimisation of data centre operations and maintenance activities
WaterWUE overview – what is it?Short article summarising what WUE is and how it is a helpful metric for data centres
Circular EconomyIntroduction to Whole Life CarbonShort article exploring the principles of whole life carbon assessment
DC Construction Whole Life CarbonSummarising an approach to whole life carbon assessment for data centre design and construction projects
Diesel GeneratorsZero run Diesel GeneratorsExamining issues associated with reducing standby diesel generator runtime hours to zero. Consider environmental benefits, technical impacts on DG system design and operational considerations